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Tips to Create an Effective Social Media Vision and Strategy

For any business, small or big, it is important to have their presence felt on social media especially for your Instagram Account. It is not just about having an account on different platforms but to make them count. Your followers, fans and potential customers need to know that you are there and that you are active.

Social media platforms not only get you closer to your clients and customers but they also help you get instant feedback and of course, acquire new deals and customers.

It will not happen if you waited but you need to have both vision and strategy to make your brand name visible and effective on social media.

The difference between social media vision and social media strategy

The vision is all about your goals regarding social media’s role in your business promotion. It is about how you can use social media to further your business and get favorable returns.

Social media strategy is all about getting to work. It involves the steps you need to make your vision a reality. You should get a step-by-step action list to get your social media platforms cracking.

You should know what your accounts will say about your brand, and how you can improve your image and enhance your visibility. You should also devise ways to bring your customers closer to your business through social media. Think about the unique perspective about your business and also do a research on how your competitors are exploring social media.

Steps to include in your Social Media Strategy:

Know your Target Audience

This is the key step. You can get use social media analytics to find detailed information about your followers. Once you identify your customers, you can know from them not just about your products but also about your social media presence. Get their response and feedback. Make a connection.

Understand how your competitors are utilizing social media

You will get tons of ideas just by observing your rivals. At the same time, learn from impressive social media accounts as well. You can derive valuable insights that you could tune and customize to your social media strategy. Do you know there are award winners too out there? Go, check them out!

Create a content schedule

Of course, you should have great and continuous content for posting. Create a mix of different topics. For example, you should at least have four types of content, one that will help generate traffic to your site, second, curated content from other different sources, third, content that will help in business promotion and lastly, posts on your company, its culture, team, etc.

The other important thing is to have posting schedule. Prepare a social media calendar so that you know what content to post, when to and where to. Remember, all your accounts should have fresh postings from time to time.

Track your progress

You can track every activity of yours online. You can find which strategy is working and which isn’t. You can also get an idea which account is garnering most response and which one is tepid. Use the information to evaluate, re-evaluate and reconsider your strategies and plans.

Thus, having a detailed implementation plan for your social media strategy will not help you gain more business but will also give you business and sale insights that will prove to be a game changer for your business.