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Over past year or so, there have been several impactful changes that has occurred on the Instagram Platform. The changes range from growing organically on Instagram to how much engagement your account may be getting nowadays. If you haven’t noticed engagement is down from a few years ago when content from accounts that had 10,000 to 50,000  followers were getting over 2,500 to some cases 10,000 likes while getting a lot of new followers gained as well. Like many of the other social media platforms once they had reach several number of users and growth of the platform started to slow down – Instagram like the other platforms decided to take away some of the organic growth and engagements to encourage users to invest in advertisements on the platform, the same fate Facebook had a few years back.

Overall, organic engagement is down and that means growing an account from scratch or in it’s current state is much harder to do. In the past, spending several months and several hours everyday on the platform could yield tremendous results such as going from 0 to 100,000 or more followers. Now based the current engagements it could years to accomplish this feat.

However one growth strategy that still works today is the network promotion growth. Basically, our 10 million follower network will shout out your page in our content and biography resulting in million of eyes potentially looking at your account/page and network. The top celebrities and brands work on the same basis, where they will work in collaboration with other brands to grow each other’s audiences, If a top name celebrity like Kim K or Sports team mentions your page several times, you bet that many users are going to check it out.

Instagram algorithm is a built like a milestone system meaning the more content is liked and shared than the more Instagram will share your content to users in their explore page and hashtag. Using the promotional growth can increase your chances that your content will reach more users thus increasing your page to have more chance to be viral and shared in the large Instagram network.

Though this growth strategy is very simple but it is very effective and powerful.

Check out our own Promotional Network Growth service –

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